Who Are You Bringing With You?

April 17, 2019

Who are you bringing with you to Easter at Aldersgate this Sunday? Did you know 82% of people who don’t attend church say they would visit if they were personally invited (“The Unchurched Next Door” by Thom Rainer). And they are waiting on an invitation from you! Here are three easy ways to invite someone to come with you.

The most effective way to welcome someone this Easter is with a personal invitation done face-to-face. As you visit with friends, family, or neighbors over coffee, a meal, at the playground, at the gym, at the office, or at school, be prayerful and attentive for opportunities to simply invite someone to join you for Easter. Use one of Aldersgate’s invitation cards to help you!

Personal Message
Along with face-to-face invitations, a personal message to a friend or loved one goes a long way in making them feel welcome and loved. Take a moment to simply send a personal note, text message, an email, or a Facebook message inviting someone to join you for Easter.

Social Media
Social media can be such a powerful tool to connect with people. Use your social media accounts to invite your friends to Easter. Let people know you’re coming to Easter at Aldersgate by responding to our Facebook Event and sharing it on your own page.  

If all else fails, try a head-lock. Throw them in your car and bring them with you!

God bless you as you invite friends, neighbors, relatives, and co-workers to hear the hope of the Easter story on Sunday!

Ryan Smallwood
