Turn! Turn! Turn!

August 29, 2018

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

It’s time once again for the seasons to begin to turn. The days are getting shorter, morning temperatures are getting chillier, pumpkin spice is turning up everywhere, and we anticipate the long awaited arrival of football!

Just as God created a pattern of natural seasons that we cycle through, He has given us a similar rhythm of seasons in our lives. These seasons come and go. Some at what appears to be at warp speed, some that tarry a bit longer than desired, and some like the seasons in West Texas appear to happen all in one day.

Fall is a season of gradual change. Out of nowhere we notice the trees that have carried green leaves all summer long begin to change colors. The trees sluggishly drop each leaf until it is left completely naked. Unless the tree is in West Texas and then it goes from being fully clothed to completely naked on one good windy day! The grass that has been a brilliant green for months has now drifted into a lackluster gold. Likewise, we gradually drift. We coast. And then we realize things have changed and left us completely exposed. We wake up and wonder, “How did I get to this place?”

Winter is a season that is harsh, bitter, and solitary. It is a time when we typically retreat indoors and isolate ourselves. It is a dark night of the soul where we feel as though God is absent. Yet, it is a time we draw near to God by putting our roots down deep in Him.  We cling in desperate times and He is there to reassure us and speak Words of hopeful promise of what is to come.  

Spring is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, promotions, babies, birthing new ministries, and new jobs and assignments.  It is a time of seeing small beginnings growing out of the cold winter months. It is a time of planting which requires work. The soil must be tilled, seeds must be sown, they must be watered and fertilized, and the weeds must be pulled from them. It is a season of fresh, catapulted faith to launch into the unknown.

Summer is an exciting time of harvesting the fruit from the seeds that were planted in the spring. It is a season of labor and delivery. It is a fulfilling time where we are fully launched in passion and carrying out the plans God has spoken to us.

Which season are you in? It might be one you enjoy. If so, savor it! Live it up! Get everything out of it that God has for you in it. It might be a season that is not as desirable. If so, savor it! Hold on! Anchor down! Get everything out of it that God wants you to get out of it. And remember, a new season is coming!  

Ryan Smallwood
