Overcoming Financial Stress

February 6, 2019

A recent Harris Poll indicated that 77% of Americans reported feeling stressed about money at some point during the past month. And 22% of Americans revealed they experienced extreme stress about money during the past month. Are you in that percentage?

Take this simple inventory. Are you…

[  ] Living your life paycheck to paycheck

[  ] Consistently having more month than money

[  ] Frequently doubting you will have enough to pay all the bills

[  ] Losing sleep because of excessive worry about money

[  ] Mapping out your commutes trying to limit the gas you use

[  ] Questioning whether you will ever be able to eliminate your debt

[  ] Having repeated arguments with your spouse about money

[  ] Wondering if the unknown number is a robo call or a credit collector

[  ] Obtaining a new credit card to transfer your balance to a lower interest rate

[  ] Always thinking “Can I afford this?” instead of “Should I buy this?”

[  ] Wanting to give when you see a need but thinking you can’t afford to

[  ] Repetitively pondering how you can make more money

If you can say yes to even one of these things, odds are you are suffering some sort of financial stress.

How would it feel to live without financial pressure? How would it feel to get out of debt, have more money than month, stop fighting about money, reach your financial goals, be able to give freely to bless others and sleep peacefully at night? It is possible!

Pause for a moment and imaging a life free of financial stress.

Do you want that life? I certainly do! And I invite you to join us at Aldersgate Church as we begin a journey of overcoming financial stress.

  • Join us in person or via live stream as we begin a brand new sermon series titled Making Change. Whether you are digging out of debt or saving for the future, overcoming financial stress begins my making change!
  • Show up for the Financial Peace University class that begins TONIGHT, Wednesday, February 6th.

God has a plan for overcoming all financial stress!

Ryan Smallwood
