Embracing the Orphan

October 9, 2019

When Tyler and I first began the adoption process, we had no idea the roller-coaster we were jumping on. I love roller coasters, they are thrilling, full of ups, downs, and loops. This roller-coaster was just the same if you were blind folded and part of the track was missing. There are many highs and lows in adoption, many loops, and times you are thrilled to be going through the journey. There were times we had no idea what we were getting into and couldn’t see the next turn, but God was there.

Tyler and I have entered into private adoption with a large community surrounding us. We have our friends, family, and coworkers support. We see them as the safety belts helping hold us on this roller coaster. What happens when there is no safety belt? What happens when the only family you have close to you is your church family? This is a very real place for some of our foster families. They are on this roller coaster without a safety belt and expected to hang on and make it through. These families can’t do it alone, and Biblically shouldn’t have to.

James 1 calls us to take care of orphans. He doesn’t say only if you like children should you care for orphans. In fact, he says its pure religion to take care of orphans. What if taking care of orphans is more than just taking care of the children themselves, but also taking care of the people who care for them? What if we, as a church, become the safety belt and join the roller coaster with these families? How can we become the church that takes charge?

First, we must remember adoption is who we are. We have all been adopted into Gods family through Jesus.

Second, we must remember it is our calling to embrace orphans.

Finally, Take charge. We all have giftings we can be using to help foster families.

  • Pray
  • Donate a box of diapers (Partial boxes that your kids have outgrown are good too!)
  • Offer a crib you might be getting rid of
  • Cook a meal for a family when they receive a new placement
  • Help set up a house for new foster families
  • Donate a gift card for Christmas presents
  • Help clean house and do laundry
  • Become a certified babysitter
  • If you are feeling called, become a foster family or adopting family yourself, we would love to help you!

There are so many ways we can be involved and helping, all it takes is a yes. If you would like to join the foster ministry team fill out this form and we will contact you with more information!

Let’s be the church that embraces the orphan and their families. Together let’s make a difference!

Haley Carson
