By Faith

September 4, 2019

When I think of the the term walking “by faith” my mind almost always instinctively pictures the scene from the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. If you have not seen the movie, there is a scene where, in his quest for the holy grail, Indiana Jones must take a “leap of faith” by stepping out into what seems to be a giant drop off a cliff. Because of his imminent need for the grail, he does what seems impossible and takes the step only to find that there is a land bridge disguised as a visual illusion. He did not realize that before he took the step it was already safe for him to walk across.

Often times, when we feel like our faith isn’t working, it can be a seemingly unattainable task to walk “by faith”. Hebrews 11 gives us this list of the heroes of the faith that each walked by faith in their own way. The promises of Scripture help us be assured that when we step out we begin to see things that we had previously not see.

We get to see miracles
I love the miracles of the Bible. Fascinating stories that display the goodness and glory of God. They are some of my favorite stories to tell and are often the reasons why I love to preach. But the truth is, there are still miracles happening everyday and if I am willing to walk by faith in my everyday life I will continually be able to tell stories of the miracles that God is doing today and not just in the ancient stories of the Bible.

We get to see lives changed
Life change is important to me as a Student Pastor. I would rather see a student come sporadically and have their life changed than have perfect attendance and be the same person. It is the metric by which I measure so much in ministry. A daily life walking by faith opens our eyes to numerous opportunities that the Lord may be giving us to speak life into or intercede on behalf of someone desperate for life change.

We get to see God
I have often been jealous of Moses getting to be in the presence of God. What a great honor for him to physically see God. When we begin to walk by faith, not only do we see lives changed, but we get to see God. Maybe it’s not physically with our human eyes, but with our spirit we can see God moving throughout our lives and the lives of those around us everyday.

Remember, you don’t have to be a “hero of the faith” from Hebrews 11 to actually live a life that is walking by faith. You don’t have to wait until you have your life all together (spoiler alert: you never will) to begin to get up everyday and take one small step in faith. Then get up the next day and take another. After a few weeks you will look back and realize that you have been walking by faith and it wasn’t as scary as you made it out to be.

Michael Christian
Student Pastor
