Aldersgate is inviting leaders and those with a desire to lead to participate in the annual Right Now Media Conference. RightNow Conference is for leaders who believe that the mission of the church matters. If you have any kind of leadership role in your church, then this is the conference for you. You may lead from a stage, the classroom, the home, or on the field. You may be on staff or a volunteer. If you want to inspire change in your church, then this is your conference.A group from Aldersgate will carpool, attend the conference together, share meals, and stay together in a block of hotel rooms. You'll build great relationships with one another while learning great things! Those who go return from the conference each year revitalized and equipped to take on God's mission. We hope you'll join us!The cost ($150) includes travel (fuel), hotel rooms for two nights, two breakfast, and one lunch. You will be responsible for the remaining meals.For more information, check out their website: